DUSTLESS SANDING - it's finally here!
Hardwood floors add beauty and value to your home, and refinishing is the best way to enhance and preserve that beauty.
Traditional hardwood floor sanding is typically an extremely dusty process - a dust-storm in your home, lingering dust in your air-ducts, and a cleanup headache that feels like it will never end.
Now, Urban Hardwood Flooring offers a cleaner, healthier and faster process with the amazing Atomic Dust Containment System from BonaKemi.
Eliminate Dust
The innovative Atomic system we use is a powerful vacuum powered by a large engine connected to all of our sanding equipment, evacuating the airborne dust generated from the sanding process, and collecting it outside of your home and into our vacuum trailer. We remove it from your property!
Please take a few minutes to watch our video about this revolutionary new system. You will be amazed! If others are claiming they have a dustless system - make them prove it!